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Update 12.05.2003

presented at the 22nd Russian conference
(December 1-5, 2002, town of Zvenigorod, Moscow Region)


Ph.M. Kanarev

the Kuban State Agrarian University, Chair of Theoretical Mechanics

13, Kalinin St., 350044 Krasnodar.  E-mail: kanphil@mail.kuban.ru

          Experimental spectroscopy contains the largest information array concerning behaviour of the electrons, the photons, the atoms, the ions and the molecules. The approximated calculation methods based on Schrodinger equation give the possibility to calculate the spectra of the atoms, the ions and the molecules, but give no information concerning binding energies of the electrons with the atomic nuclei as well as the processes of connection of the atoms into molecules, which should originate from experimental spectroscopy [1].         

             Failure of the electrons moving on the orbits around the nuclei to connect the atoms into molecules is so vivid that it is beneath any discussion. Certainly, scientific mind cannot bear with such situation. No reference to congruence of the existing semi-empiric theory of the spectra with the experimental data can stop the investigators searching the principles of formation of the atoms and the molecules, and they have already been found.  The mathematical model of the law of formation of the spectra of the atoms and the ions is as follows [2], [3]:


,                                                           (1)


where  is energy of the photon emitted or absorbed by the electron;  is ionization energy;  is binding energy of the electron with the atomic nucleus corresponding to its first energy level; it is determined from the experimental data of spectroscopy according to a special method [2], [3]; n=2,3,4… is the main quantum number, which determines the number of energy level of the electron in the atom.

            Binding energy of  (the electron with the nucleus corresponding to any energy level) is determined by the dependence   [2], [3].

            Absence of orbital component of energy of the electron in the mathematical model of the law of formation of the spectra of the atoms and ions is the most unexpected new result (1). An indisputable fact appears from this: absence of orbital movement of the electron in the atom  [2], [3].

            History of science certifies conclusively that mystique of a non-cognized thing is the most powerful incentive of scientific search. It is impossible to stop the ambition of human mind to cognize electromagnetic structures of the photon, the electron, the proton, the neutron and the principles of formation of the nuclei, the atoms, the ions and the molecules [2], [3]. The thought pattern based on the old notions is the largest obstacle on this way [2], [3].

            The new trend in the spectrum analysis has already led to the solution of many tasks of the micro world [2], [3]. The new theory of the spectra widens considerably the possibilities of the chemists when analyzing energy processes of fusion and dissociation of the molecules. Examples of such analysis have already been published  [2], [3], [4], [5].

            An independent judge of mathematical theories reliability has appeared on the scientific stage. It is the axiom of space - matter - time unity. Schrodinger equation, the main equation of quantum mechanics, is at variance with it. Now nobody will stop the departure of this equation from the scientific investigation stage to the scientific history section and revival of classical quantum mechanics [2], [3], [5].

            The new axiom improves considerably scientific potential of the investigators releasing them from possible errors and delusions similar to those that have been made by the physicists in the 20th century [2], [3], [5].


1. Nikitin A.A., Rudzikas Z.B. Principles of the Theory of the Spectra of the Atoms and ions. M. Nauka. 1983. 320 pages.

2.  Kanarev Ph.M. The Foundation of Physchemistry of Micro World. The Second Edition.


 3.  Kanarev Ph.M. The Foundation of Classical Physchemistry of Micro world. Second Edition.  


4.  Kanarev Ph.M. The New Interpretation of Photoeffect. http://Kanarev.innoplaza.net  

5.  Kanarev Ph.M. Energy Balance of Fusion Process of Molecules of Oxygen, Hydrogen and Water. http://Kanarev.innoplaza.net

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